Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Does the world really make sense?

I expect the world to make sense.  Before anyone gets all huffy or argumentative, let me clarify that I don't mean that I should understand every little bit of everything that happens.  Some things that happen will certainly appear as random and/or coincidental. But I believe that everything that happens has a reason.  Heh, in a way, it is Anselm's most famous proposition:

Everything that begins has a cause.

I really believe that.  I may not know the cause and I may not understand the cause, but I believe that there is a cause that is knowable and understandable.  We exist in the midst of an overwhelmingly complex series of causes.  I hesitate to say cause and effect because each effect is simply another cause.  It's mind-boggling and huge and damn-near impossible to comprehend, but it's the truth.  However, each cause can be rationally explained by detailing the causes behind it.  Does that lead to an infinite regression?  Not really infinite, but pretty much, yeah.

That's what I mean when I say that I expect the world to make sense.  I expect that everything that happens has a rational explanation.  Some things seem random, but nothing really is.  Those moments where things click are when we comprehend the rationale behind what seems to be incomprehensible.  It is understanding a few more causes and incorporating them into our own limited experience.

It is a pretty profound concept.  Simple, but profound.

Everything that begins has a cause.

I wonder, then, if every bit of understanding and learning move us, in some small way, toward the first cause.  It's something to ponder.

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