Monday, May 10, 2010

Watching for Light Bulbs

Everyone has that moment when it clicks. It might be an idea you've been wrestling with, a routine you have been learning, or a concept that you just can't seem to wrap your head around.

And then it clicks.

And the light bulb turns on.

And it all suddenly makes sense.

And that is what this blog is about. It is about me trying to make something (and sometimes everything) click. But not just for me, it is about waiting to see if something that I say helps something click for someone else. There are billions of people in the world. Millions of light bulbs clicking every day. Each one is unique, special, and utterly fantastic. Watching my kids grow and learn is a humbling and exhilarating process. Watching my sons and daughter take their first steps, taste their first foods, and speak their first words have been wonderful times for me.

I like a world that makes sense and I love it when something clicks for me. And I love it when something clicks for someone else and you can see the light go on in their eyes.

So that is what this is about. My thoughts and watching for those light bulb moments. Thanks for reading.

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